To review the literature and conduct a meta-analysis of observational studies examining the relationship between cutaneous nevi and uveal melanoma.
The authors extracted risk factor data from 11 observational studies and categorized the data into four a priori groups: 1) atypical cutaneous nevi, 2) common cutaneous nevi, 3) cutaneous freckles, and 4) iris nevi.
Meta-analysis of four studies (850 cases) examining atypical cutaneous nevi yielded a summary OR of 4.26 (1.44 - 12.57, p=0.009). Common cutaneous nevi was reported in four studies (825 cases), yielding a summary OR of 1.74 (1.27 - 2.39, p=0.001). Cutaneous freckles using 7 studies (2122 cases) found an OR = 1.22 (1.03 - 1.45, p= 0.022). Iris nevi using 4 studies (825 cases) found an OR of 1.53 (1.03 - 2.27, p = 0.036). There was no evidence of publication bias for the aforementioned risk factors, with the exception of atypical cutaneous nevi (p = 0.03).
This meta-analysis supports an association between uveal melanoma and atypical cutaneous nevi, common cutaneous nevi, cutaneous freckles, and iris nevi. The reported association between uveal melanoma and atypical cutaneous nevi may be overestimated due to publication bias.
Keywords: tumors • uvea • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: biostatistics/epidemiology methodology