To determine the effect of patient dosing preference on drug efficacy and to determine the IOP-lowering efficacy of AM-dosed travoprost and latanoprost is compared 24-hours post-dose.
Open-angle glaucoma patients currently controlled on PM-dosed (2100) latanoprost (n=21) or travoprost (n=30) had baseline IOP’s measured at 0900. In a randomized, single-masked, crossover design, patients received travoprost or latanoprost at 0900 for 4 weeks, then crossed over to receive the 2nd prostaglandin for another 4 weeks. Treatment IOP was measured at 0900 prior to morning dose at both 4 and 8 week visits. Patient dosing preference (AM/PM) was surveyed on exit.
Baseline (PM-dosed) IOP was 17.9±0.5mmHg for travoprost; there was no change with AM-dosing (17.1±0.6mmHg, p=0.13). Baseline (PM-dosed) IOP was 17.7±0.5mmHg for latanoprost; there was also no change with AM-dosing (18.2±0.5mmHg, p=0.3). In the AM-dosing crossover comparison, 24-hour post-dose IOP was significantly lower (p=0.000003) on travoprost (16.9±0.4mmHg) compared to latanoprost (18.6±0.5mmHg). Latanoprost patients preferring PM-dosing significantly increased IOP (+1.5±0.6mmHg, p=0.03) with AM-dosing compared to PM-dosing; IOP was unchanged (-0.4±0.7mmHg, p=0.7) in patients that preferred AM-dosing. For travoprost, there was no significant change in IOP with AM-dosing in patients that preferred AM-dosing (-0.7±0.6mmHg, p=0.3) or PM-dosing (-0.9±1.1mmHg, p=0.5). Overall, 56% of patients preferred AM-dosing.
AM-dosed travoprost is superior to AM-dosed latanoprost by 1.7 mmHg at 24-hours post-dose. Patient dosing preference affected AM-dosing efficacy for latanoprost but not for travoprost.
Keywords: intraocular pressure • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: treatment/prevention assessment/controlled clinical trials • drug toxicity/drug effects