We have demonstrated that the haptics of an IOL can be successfully bonded to crystalline lens capsular tissue by means of light-activated photobonding processes. Loads required to rupture the bonding were more than two orders of magnitude higher than those produced internally in the eye by the ciliary muscle.
23 The maximum total force capacity of the human ciliary muscle is 5 g, and 0.05 g for near-vision accommodation (3–5 diopters [D]), whereas the forces applied in our experiments regardless of bonding areas ranged between 3 and 30 g, obtaining that irradiation time of 60 seconds or greater, which always exceeded the maximum force of ciliary muscle. This means that exposure times greater than 90 seconds at all levels of laser irradiance tested produced a secure bonding.
At higher irradiances (0.65 W/cm2), breakage at the overlapped photobonding site was not observed for exposure times higher than 30 seconds. Instead, for that irradiance level, the rupture occurred in the capsular bag, suggesting that treatment with RB and green light may introduce structural changes in the capsular bag, making it more brittle. A stiffer capsule may have a positive effect on the transfer of forces from the ciliary muscle to an accommodating lens mechanism. However, the implications for potential microtearing of the capsule outside the bonded should be explored, and the final laser fluence and exposure time relationships should be optimize for both bonding strength and capsular response.
Our results, therefore, suggest that this approach could be used to securely engage the haptics of an IOL to the peripheral or equatorial region of the capsular bag during accommodation. This capability is particularly interesting for accommodating IOLs, which rely on the transmission of forces from the ciliary muscle and the zonulae into the IOL equator. Also, the potential high stability of the implanted IOL fixed by photobonding may benefit IOLs, which require accurate and stable positioning, for example, for toric lenses, or in other complicated lenses requiring IOL suturing.
In principle, photobonding is potentially less toxic than other adhesive approaches proposed in the eye (e.g., use of fibrin adhesives or cyanoacrylate).
16,24 The photoinitiator used is a standard of eye care used topically,
17 and experimental studies in rabbit eyes have revealed that it is nontoxic intracapsularly and does not compromise corneal endothelial cell integrity.
18 Exposure times and fluences of the green light used are comparable to those used in two other applications of green light and RB, namely, photobonding amniotic membrane to cornea and photo-crosslinking of the cornea.
16,20 These studies have shown that exposure times and fluences did not cause retinal damage and were below the damage thresholds established by American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
16 In any case, in a clinical setting, the local light exposure on the region of interest (capsular bag periphery) will be smaller than that reported in this study and will require less green light. We will, however, experimentally evaluate potential retinal damage when the treatment conditions are established.
Our results showing that strong photobonding is produced in intact lenses (rather than capsular bag strips) support the application of this technology to intraocular surgery. Settings of these proof-of-concept experiments differ substantially from those used under actual conditions, much less invasive, surgical procedures, because they required in situ illumination of the photobonding area and the bonded area was immersed in aqueous or viscoelastic materials. However, a more realistic surgical scenario could be mimicked by proper design of lens haptics and new instrumentation.
The detailed mechanism for the photobonding of capsular tissue to pHEMA remains to be established. A photochemical rather than photothermal process appears to be responsible for the bonding because only a small temperature increase (<10°C) occurred, even using the highest irradiance, as previously shown for tissue–tissue photobonding. Photothermal welding of cornea requires much higher temperatures (e.g., above 50°C with a CO
2 laser
25 and 55°C–65°C with a 810-nm laser
20 A photochemical mechanism does not produce the collagen denaturation and heat-induced peripheral tissue damage caused by photothermal bonding. The photochemical mechanism for photobonding between tissues is believed to be mediated by formation of covalent crosslinks between amino acid side chains in the collagen molecules on the surfaces of both tissues. Chitosan, a glucosamine polysaccharide, has also been photobonded to tissue by RB photosensitization,
27 possibly by the same molecular mechanism, as chitosan contains many free amino groups. However, the chemical mechanism of photobonding of tissue and pHEMA remains to be investigated. The stronger bonding produced in the air compared to that under nitrogen atmosphere suggests that oxygen is involved in the chemical mechanism for photobonding (
Fig. 5). In particular, it suggests dominance of an energy transfer from a long-lived excited RB triplet state, which would produce single oxygen and subsequent reactions of oxidized chains to form crosslinks.
20 On the other hand, oxygen-independent electron-mediated reactions also may occur, as some bonding was also observed in a nitrogen environment.
In summary, the results of our proof-of-concept study support a new paradigm for IOL engagement to the capsular bag. Appropriate haptic design, light delivery system, and surgical protocols may allow transfer of these ideas into a physically implantable device for the realization of the technique in a realistic clinical setting.