Purpose: :
To examine the range of validity of computer simulations of intraocular lens (IOL) performance using a clinically–oriented Monte Carlo ensemble analysis of post–operative ocular parameters.
Methods: :
Monte Carlo analysis was used to determine the overall optical performance of IOLs by computing their modulation transfer functions (MTFs) for clinically–relevant values of an ensemble of ocular parameters including corneal power, corneal asphericity, pupil decentration and IOL defocus, decentration and tilt. Calculations were performed using ZEMAX software (ZEMAX Development Corporation, Bellevue, WA, USA), the Liou–Brennan finite model eye (JOSA 1997; 14(8): 1684–95) and the Piers–Norrby–Mester average cornea eye (ACE) model (Optics Letters 2004; 29(7): 733–735).
Results: :
Optical ensemble analysis provides a realistic description of IOL performance that differs significantly from (1) calculations based on perfectly aligned and focused IOLs or (2) calculations that consider only variations in isolated parameters such as IOL decentration. Results of clinical ensemble analysis are consistent with clinical aberration measurements.
Conclusions: :
Optical ensemble analysis provides a useful description of overall IOL performance and its sensitivity to variations in individual clinical parameters.
Keywords: intraocular lens • optical properties • computational modeling