Purpose: :
To investigate the efficacy in quality of vision with aspherique IOL versus standart IOL Alcon.
Methods: :
Prospective non randomized clinical study. 20 patients in each group who undergone phacoemulsification with IOL implantation of both eye.
Patients had presurgery examination with visual acuity, slit lamp, fundus examination and biometry with IOL master (Zeiss). Exclusion criteria included ocular disease and prior ocular surgery. Clinical and visual evaluation were performed one month after second surgery with aberrometry (Bausch et Lomb) and contrast vision (Zalonghi scale) in scotopique place.
The results were compared by statistical methods.
Results: :
No surgery complication is noted and in both group best spectacle–corrected visual acuity improved. A statistically significative difference is found for the Z400 aberration with a RMS=0,01 with SW60AT versus a RMS=0,15 with SN60AT (p<0,001). There were no statistically significant differences for the vision of contrast between two IOLs nevertheless contrast vision seems to be better with aspherique lens
Conclusions: :
Conventionnal IOL have a positive spherique aberration because of the convexe anterior face whereas aspherique lens have the same power over all the face so donnot induce sherical aberration. We can increase objectively the quality of vision with the aspherique IOL but not the vision of contrast. Probably an other contrast scale (more powerfull examination) could show a statistically significative difference. Aspherique lens improve the quality of vision beside the standart lens.
Keywords: cataract • crystalline lens • optical properties