Purpose: :
This paper describes the methodology and results obtained in conducting a diabetic retinopathy screening program designed to identify the medical impact of retinopathy in a public healthcare setting, and to determine the value–added impact, both clinically and financially, of screening programs to aid in patient identification and proper treatment of diabetes.
Methods: :
Collections of data concerning Medicaid managed care and Fee for Service beneficiaries with diabetes were obtained from the Florida Medicaid database for the identified Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Intraocular pressures and retinal photos were taken using non–invasive techniques.
Results: :
Of the 2,373 potential beneficiaries identified in the MSA, 192 (8.1%) screening appointments were made. Of that number, 120 (5.1%) beneficiaries attended and were screened. Sixteen patients were classified as having either mild moderate or severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy in one or both eyes.
Conclusions: :
The 2004 Medicaid HEDIS scores indicate that the mean percentage of diabetics receiving eye examinations is 44.1%, while we observed an examination rate of 29.2%. This may be indicative of a greater referral rate by primary care physicians in managed care Medicaid as opposed to the referral rate for fee–for–service beneficiaries.
Keywords: diabetic retinopathy • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: biostatistics/epidemiology methodology