Purpose: :
To evaluate the optical quality of the eye implanted with an Artisan / Verisize intraocular lens, after cataract surgery complicated by a lack of capsular support.
Methods: :
34 Consecutive patients (34 eyes) implanted with the Artisan / Verisize lens by a single between January 2004 and October 2005 were enrolled prospectively. They were randomized and the Artisan / Verisize lens was implanted either over (Group 1 / 16 eyes) or under the iris (Group 2 / 18 eyes). The wavefront aberration was calculated from images recorded with an Imagine Eyes IRX3 Hartmann–Shack aberrometer. This wavefront aberration was expressed as a Zernike polynomial expansion from the third up to the seventh order. Root mean square wavefront error was used as a parameter of optical quality. Point–spread function and modulation transfer function were also computed from the wavefront aberration and though objective measurements of contrast sensitivity were extrapolated.
Results: :
The mean age of our patients was 85 +/– 11 years. No complications were encountered. An uncorrected visual acuity of 20/32 was observed 75% of patients. The mean postoperative root mean square values for Group 1 was significantly higher than in Group 2. The induction of trefoil observed in both groups ( Z 3,–3) is a result of the incision, whereas the increase of spherical aberration is due to the implant. Extrapolated contrast sensitivity is higher in group 2 than in group 1.
Conclusions: :
Preliminary data using the IRX3 Hartmann–Shack wavefront aberrometer tend to confort the idea that in addition to being atraumatic, the Artisan / Verisize intraocular lens implanted behind the iris may restore vision in the absence of capsular support in a more physiological way than when fixated over the iris.
Keywords: anterior segment • cataract • intraocular lens