Purpose: :
To examine the rate of posterior capsule opacification after implantation of AcrySof® acrylic intraocular lenses in children. Previous studies have shown that the posterior capsule opacification rate increases sharply after 18 months in pediatric patients and most have opacified by two years post–operatively1. It has been suggested that the rate of posterior capsule opacification is slowed using AcrySof® acrylic lenses, though long term data in children is sparse.
Methods: :
A retrospective analysis of 71 eyes in 49 patients between the ages of 8.7 months and 19.6 years undergoing PCIOL implantation with AcrySof® lenses was performed. Patients underwent lensectomy with placement of AcrySof® acrylic PCIOL in the capsular bag with the posterior capsule left intact. Average age was 8.7 years at the time of cataract surgery. Patients were followed until a visually significant posterior capsule opacification developed or until the last follow up exam with maintained clarity of the posterior capsule. Two patients (four eyes) were lost to follow up. Comparison is made to previously published opacification rates of single piece all PMMA IOLs in children
Results: :
Data analysis revealed a 60.6% rate of posterior capsule opacification in 43 of 71 eyes, with average follow up time of 27.9 months. The mean time to opacification was 13.1 months. Of the eyes studied, 39.4% (28) exhibited clear posterior capsules with a mean follow–up time of 18.7 months. Follow–up time of greater than two years was obtained in 37 eyes. Of those eyes, 29.7% (11) retained clear posterior capsules, while 70.3% (26 eyes) had significant opacification. Rates of PCO formation with single piece PMMA lenses have been documented as anywhere from less than fifty to over eighty percent2. A database comparative study of 230 patients cited opacification rates in 50 patients with intact posterior capsules of PMMA and AcrySof® lenses as 50% and 45.4% respectively3.
Conclusions: :
The AcrySof® lens has a similar rate of posterior capsule opacification with that of PMMA lenses. The average time to posterior capsule opacification was 13.1 months. Long term follow up of greater than two years in pediatric patients with AcrySof® implants and intact posterior capsules was shown to have a 70.3% opacification rate, indicating a potentially higher rate of opacification than has previously been reported. 1 Plager et al. Ophthalmology. Vol. 104, No. 4, Apr 1997. 2 Jensen et al. Ophthalmology. Vol 109, Iss. 2 Feb. 2002. 3 Wilson et al. JAAPOS. Dec. 2001.
Keywords: cataract • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: outcomes/complications • intraocular lens