To determine the demographics, clinical characteristics,and etiologies of inflammatory ocular hypertension syndrome(IOHS) in patients with uveitis.
The records of 2,706 consecutive patients with uveitiswho were seen between January, 1977 and December, 2001 werereviewed. Patients with uveitis and an acute rise in intraocularpressure (IOP) above 21 mmHg as a result of inflammation wereincluded. Patients with IOP that did not return to levels below21 mmHg as the inflammation resolved or who had pupillary seclusionor extensive peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) formation wereexcluded. Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data was collectedand analyzed for all patients
Sixty–one of 2,706 (2.3%) patients with uveitiswere found to have IOHS. Anterior herpetic uveitis was the mostcommon etiology (41%) followed by toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis(13.1%), the Posner–Schlossman syndrome (13.1%), syphilis(11.5%) and sarcoidosis (8.2%). Thirty–five patients wereCaucasian (57.4%), including 10 (16.4 %) Hispanic patients,7 were black (11.5%), 4 were East Asian (6.6%). Most often theanterior segment inflammation in patients with IOHS was non–granulomatous(72.1%) and mild (44.3%).
Acute elevation in IOP in the absence of angle closureor extensive PAS formation in patients with uveitis should alertthe ophthalmologist to the diagnosis of IOHS. Common causesof IOHS include anterior herpetic uveitis, toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis,the Posner–Schlossman syndrome, syphilis, and sarcoidosis.
Keywords: uveitis-clinical/animal model • inflammation • intraocular pressure