Purpose: :
To evaluate a newly established grading system of anterior chamber depth (ACD) using scanning peripheral anterior chamber depth analyzer (SPAC) in Japanese population
Methods: :
SPAC measured ACD of adult participants who were 30 years old or more to a general health examination held during August to September in 2005 by Tamaho–town, Yamanashi Japan. Right eyes were selected for the investigation unless SPAC had no difficulty to measure those eyes. According to a newly defined classification, all eyes were classified into one of 12 grades by their ACD. In this grading system, eyes with shallower ACD were classified lower ACD grade. The ACD distribution was investigated as well as influences of age and sex to the ACD distribution. Eyes satisfying the following conditions were excluded from the study; eyes with primary angle closure, primary angle closure suspect, angle closure glaucoma, or having a history of intraocular surgery.
Results: :
One thousand and five participants (56.4±14.0 years old) were subject to the study and there were 737 women and 268 men. Mean value of ACD grade was 8.2±2.0 ranging from grade 3 to grade 12, eyes belonging to grade 7 were most frequent. The distribution of ACD grade was almost bell–shaped and shifted to lower–side by aging. The ACD grade of women was lower than that of men in all generations.
Conclusions: :
The ACD distribution was investigated in Japanese population. The new ACD grading system using SPAC is thought to be useful for more precise evaluation and classification of ACD.
Keywords: anterior chamber • imaging/image analysis: clinical • clinical laboratory testing