Purpose: :
To evaluate the distribution of fundus autofluorescence (AF) in patients with age–related macular degeneration (AMD) and choroidal neovascular membranes (CNV).
Methods: :
Prospective, observational, consecutive, case series of patients with exudative AMD and newly diagnosed CNV. Colour fundus photographs, fluorescein angiograms (FFA) and fundus AF images were obtained from a group of 40 consecutive patients (43 eyes) with AMD and classic or occult CNV. The distribution of AF was qualitatively evaluated and findings compared with those from colour fundus photographs and FFA.
Results: :
Twenty–nine eyes (67%) had classic CNV and 14 eyes (33%) had occult CNV. In 26 eyes with classic CNV (90%) there was low AF signal at the site of the CNV. In 7 eyes (50%) with occult CNV there`were multiple foci of low AF signal were the CNV was present. Outside the area affected by the lesion homogeneous AF was observed in the majority of cases (n= 33, 77%). Similarly, homogeneous AF was commonly observed in fellow eyes (62%). Focal increased AF was rarely seen in eyes with CNV (n= 5, 12%) or in fellow eyes (n=4, 15%). In four patients AF images had been obtained prior to the development of CNV; in none was there focal increased AF detected prior to CNV formation.
Conclusions: :
Distinct patterns of AF were observed in patients with classic and occult CNV, which may explain differences in CNV behaviour and response to treatment. Focal increased AF was rarely seen in eyes with CNV, suggesting that increased AF, and thus, RPE–lipofuscin, may not play an important role in CNV formation
Keywords: age-related macular degeneration • choroid: neovascularization • imaging/image analysis: clinical