Purpose: :
To evaluate the effect of upper eyelid surgery on ocular surface sensation and tear production.
Methods: :
Prospective interventional consecutive case series. Patients undergoing upper eyelid blepharoplasty or blepharoptosis repair were evaluated with measurements of their corneal sensation using a Cochet–Bonnet esthesiometer and tear production using the Schirmer 1 test without anesthesia. Measurements were obtained pre–operatively, at one day, and one month post–operatively.
Results: :
Eleven patients (21 eyes) were enrolled in the study. There was a significant decrease in corneal sensation between the baseline and post–operative day 1 (p<0.01), and between day 1 and month 1 after surgery (p<0.01). There was no statistically significant difference in corneal sensation between the baseline and post–operative 1 month measurement (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in tear production between baseline and post–operative day 1 (P>0.05). There was a statistically significant increase in tear production between baseline and post–operative month 1 (P<0.05). There was no significant correlation between corneal sensitivity and Schirmer 1 test pre–operatively, at post–operative day 1, or post–operative month 1 after surgery.
Conclusions: :
Upper eyelid surgery results in a temporary decrease in ocular surface sensation that returns to baseline after one month. Patients with pre–existing ocular surface dysfunction should consider aggressive treatments with lubricating drops and ointment, punctual occlusion, or anti–inflammatory therapy to accommodate the temporary effects on ocular surface sensation that results from upper eyelid surgery.
Keywords: eyelid • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: outcomes/complications • innervation: sensation