Purpose: :
To evaluate the performance of Frequency Doubling Perimetry (FDP–Matrix) compared to Standard Achromatic Perimetry (SAP) for the detection of glaucomatous visual loss.
Methods: :
Thirty–four patients (38 eyes) with open–angle glaucoma according to clinical evaluation, with visual acuity ≥ 20/40 and no other ocular pathology were recruited for this study. Frequency Doubling Perimetry and SAP measurements were made on each eye within a time frame of six months or less. The mean defect (MD), pattern standard deviation, and the average number abnormal points in the pattern deviation plot for both visual field tests were compared.
Results: :
Average MDs (± SD) were –8.5 (± 4.6) dB and –5.0 (± 3.6) dB for FDP–Matrix and SAP, respectively (r=0.6, p<0.001). The mean exam durations (± SD) for the FDP–Matrix and SAP tests were 5.2 (± 0.21) and 5.7 (± 1.16) minutes, respectively. The average number of depressed points in the pattern deviation plot was 11.9 and 10.8 for FDP–Matrix and SAP, respectively, with no significant difference between the two visual field tests. The pattern of defects agreed in thirty–seven eyes (97%). The locations of the defects agreed in thirty–five eyes (92%).
Conclusions: :
FDP–Matrix and SAP are very similar in their ability to detect glaucomatous visual field loss. FDP–Matrix correctly identified most glaucomatous scotomas detected by SAP.