Purpose: :
To determine the incidence of transient no light perception (NLP) vision following Macugen injection in glaucoma suspects and glaucoma patients.
Methods: :
37 intravitreal injections of Macugen were given to glaucoma patients and glaucoma suspects with wet AMD. Prior to injection patients received a mean of 1.3 anti–glaucoma medications prophylactically. Vision was evaluated for perception of light immediately following injection. IOP was taken within one minute of injection and every 5–10 minutes until the pressure was reduced to a safe level.
Results: :
5.4% of eyes (2/37) had a transient loss of vision to NLP following Macugen treatment. The average initial IOP in patients who retained light perception was 41 +/– 13 mmHg, while the initial IOP in patients who went NLP was >55 mmHg. Exact IOP measurements were not made above 55 mmHg since these patients underwent immediate anterior chamber paracentesis. Both patients who had become NLP regained their pre–injection visual acuity when the IOP was lowered.
Conclusions: :
Macugen injection in glaucoma patients and glaucoma suspects who received prophylactic treatment for IOP spikes resulted in a 5.4% incidence of transient NLP vision associated with marked IOP elevation. With prompt treatment resulting in IOP reduction, these patients regained their pre–injection vision.
Keywords: age-related macular degeneration • intraocular pressure • injection