Purpose: :
To describe the morphologic characteristics of uveitic macular diseases by the use of OCT and to investigate the correlation between tomographic features and clinical evaluation.
Methods: :
OCT was performed in 24 patients with intermediate or posterior uveitis who showed angiographic and fundoscopic evidence of macular disease. The patients included were 9 intermediate uveitis, 4 Behçet, 4 multifocal choroiditis, 3 serpiginous choroiditis, 2 Stargadt diseases and 2 Vogt–Koyanagi– Harada. It was used the Retinal map analysis report of Zeiss Meditec OCT–3 with a ten micron axial resolution. The OCT results were compared with the visual acuity and fundoscopic and angiographic appearance of macular pathology.
Results: :
OCT investigation showed marked differences in the individual degree of macular edema (foveal heights up to745 microm); aswell revealed different patterns of macular edema: diffuse, serous and cystoid macular edema. Detailed interpretation of OCT showed also location of inflammatory choroidal neovascularization, the presence of epiretinal membranes and macular holes and the degree of atrophy of the neurosensory retina in choroidal diseases. OCT helped in making clinical decisions in 70% of all patients.
Conclusions: :
OCT is a safe and highly effective method to identify and quantify macular pathology in uveitis. It is also one of the best ways to determine the anatomic effect of a treatment.
Keywords: uveitis-clinical/animal model • imaging methods (CT, FA, ICG, MRI, OCT, RTA, SLO, ultrasound) • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: treatment/prevention assessment/controlled clinical trials