Purpose: :
To evaluate the influence of cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) implant on the measurement of nerve fiber layer thickness (NFLT) by using GDx with variable corneal compensator (VCC) and enhanced corneal compensation (ECC).
Methods: :
Forty–eight eyes of 33 consecutive patients undergoing phacoemulsification cataract surgery with IOL implantation were imaged by using the GDx with VCC and ECC preoperatively and 2 days postoperatively. Nineteen eyes of 12 patients were excluded from the following analysis because of poor imaging. Mean values for 5 GDx parameters (TSNIT average, Superior Average, Inferior Average, TSNIT Std. Dev., NFI) were compared before and after surgery with Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Results: :
Preoperative and postoperative mean values for GDx VCC parameters were: TSNIT average: 56.3 µm vs. 55.3 µm, Superior Average: 65.8 µm vs. 66.3 µm, Inferior Average: 65.0 µm vs. 65.5 µm, TSNIT Std. Dev. 20.3 µm vs. 22.2 µm, NFI: 21.5 vs. 21.7. Those for GDX ECC parameters were: TSNIT average: 53.8 µm vs. 54.4 µm, Superior Average: 66.2 µm vs. 65.5 µm, Inferior Average: 66.5 µm vs. 69.9 µm, TSNIT Std. Dev. 25.3 µm vs. 25.7 µm, NFI: 19.1 vs. 19.3. No statistically significant differences were found in every GDx parameter of VCC and ECC between before and after cataract surgery. In a few cases, however, some values for VCC or/and ECC were changed more than 10%.
Conclusions: :
Our result indicated that GDx VCC and ECC parameters were not significantly influenced by cataract surgery with IOL implantation. However, it should be remarked that the values were changed more than 10% in some cases.
Keywords: nerve fiber layer • cataract