Purpose: :
To report optical coherence tomography (OCT) and visual acuity (VA) outcomes following surgical management of macular retinoschisis associated with high myopia.
Methods: :
Consecutive case series of all patients who underwent surgical management for macular retinoschisis associated with high myopia between January 2004 and September 2005 by two of the authors (HWF, IUS). Preoperative and postoperative OCT and VA data were evaluated.
Results: :
Five patients with high myopia ranging from –13.00 to –17.25 diopters underwent pars plana vitrectomy, membrane peel, fluid–air exchange and injection of 16% C3F8, followed by 1–2 weeks of postoperative face–down positioning. Patients were followed postoperatively for a mean of 30 weeks (range, 4 – 58 weeks). Preoperatively, all patients had documented progressive decrease in VA. OCT on all eyes demonstrated macular schisis without extensive retinal detachment. Four eyes had vitreomacular traction in addition to macular schisis. The mean preoperative central foveal thickness as measured by OCT was 548 microns (range, 404 – 723). Postoperatively, OCT demonstrated complete or partial resolution of the macular retinoschisis with a mean central foveal thickness of 210 microns (range, 140 – 279). Preoperative visual acuity was 20/200 or worse in all 5 eyes and postoperative visual acuity improved to a mean of 20/65 (range, 20/40 – 20/200). One eye remained stable at 20/200. In most cases, postoperative visual acuity was limited by varying degrees of chorioretinal atrophy present preoperatively.
Conclusions: :
Surgical management of macular retinoschisis associated with high myopia resulted in improvements in both OCT measurements and visual acuity.
Keywords: macula/fovea • myopia • retinal detachment