Purpose: :
According to Tajimi study,1.3% of over 40s population have closed or narrowed angle and have a chance to become glaucoma. Using device called scanning peripheral anterior chamber depth analyser (SPAC)–1.We analysed the data of each year group of both sex.
Methods: :
Between October 28 and November 19,2005,208 eyes(107 eyes from male and 103 eyes from female) from 108 people who visitied our health screening center at Kofu Kyoritsu Hospital were measured by SPAC.The average age of female was 61.5 years old and that of male was 58.3 years old.We excluded the patients who received cataract surgery. The examiner was a nurse(K.S).We devide the data between male and female and age groups such as 30s’,40s’,50s’,60s’ and 70s’.We analysed 1.anterior chamber depths from the center of cornea,3.6,4.4,5.2,6.0,6.8,and 7.6mm from the center of the cornea. 2.The number of points measured.3.Grade which classifies the depth of anterior chamber.Each factor was calculated by t analysis.
Results: :
The anterior chamber of both male and female gets shallower in aging. Anterior chamber at the center of cornea,each ,3.6,4.4,5.6mm from the center ,there was a statistically significant difference between 30s’ vs 60s’ and 30s’ and 70s’,and 50s’ and 60s’ in both male and female.(p<0.05) From 60s the anterior chamber gets statistically shallower.The same thing could be said as to grading. There were 2 eyes below grade 5 ,who might be hit attack(1.94%) in female and 1 eye in male(0.9%).There was no significant age and sex difference as to the number of points measured.
Conclusions: :
SPAC was considered to be a easy , non invasive method to discover the persons who might be hit by angle closure attack. 1.Kashiwagi K,Kashiwagi K,Hiejima Y et al:Finding cases of angle closure glaucoma in clinic setting using a newly developed instrument.Eye 2005(E–pub ahead of print)
Keywords: anterior chamber • depth • aging