May 2006
Volume 47, Issue 13
ARVO Annual Meeting Abstract  |   May 2006
Development of an Automated Stereocampimeter to Measure Central Scotomas
Author Affiliations & Notes
  • G.H. Bennett
    Ophthalmology, New York Eye & Ear Infirmary/Aborn Eye Center, New York, NY
  • P.W. Kramer
    Ophthalmology, New York Eye & Ear Infirmary/Aborn Eye Center, New York, NY
  • V.L. Lubkin
    Ophthalmology, New York Eye & Ear Infirmary/Aborn Eye Center, New York, NY
  • T. Cappo
    Opticology Inc., New York, NY
  • M. Orr
    Opticology Inc., New York, NY
  • R.B. Rosen
    Ophthalmology, New York Eye & Ear Infirmary/Aborn Eye Center, New York, NY
  • Footnotes
    Commercial Relationships  G.H. Bennett, designated on patent, P; P.W. Kramer, None; V.L. Lubkin, designated on patent, P; T. Cappo, designated on patent, P; M. Orr, designated on patent, P; R.B. Rosen, None.
  • Footnotes
    Support  NEI Grant R41 EY13341–01
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science May 2006, Vol.47, 5680. doi:
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      G.H. Bennett, P.W. Kramer, V.L. Lubkin, T. Cappo, M. Orr, R.B. Rosen; Development of an Automated Stereocampimeter to Measure Central Scotomas . Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2006;47(13):5680.

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      © ARVO (1962-2015); The Authors (2016-present)

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Purpose: : To develop an automated stereocampimeter to outline and map central scotomas.There is no apparatus currently used designed for the study of the field of vision that is capable of rendering an accurate depiction of a central scotoma.

Methods: : A prototype automated stereocampimeter (SC) was built where one eye is under test while the other eye is presented a similar pattern, yielding a stereoscopic effect. Software for the device is PC driven and generates a chart on a computer screen.We evaluated the (SC)on 35 subjects with various retinal pathology.All subjects were tested with a 30 deg.(SC)test and a 30–2(HVF)test or (SLO) microperimetry test.

Results: : The clinical study was designed to assist in development of an automated (SC) and allow for improvements in design and technology. Subject # 015 visit 1: (SC)outlined shape and size of paracentral scotoma OS in temporal lower and upper quadrants 130 from center fixation and diameter 260. Several defects located OD outlining the shape, size and location at:1)the center of fixation 2)a paracentral scotoma 40 left of fixation in upper and lower quadrants and 3)large scotoma in the temporal area involving the normal blind spot. The (SLO) test OS showed the defect shape and location as similar to the (SC) but much smaller in size.The (SLO) OD test mapped only one defect and missed the other scotomas detected by the (SC) entirely. At visit 2 same subject 9 days later, the (SC) maps are reproducible in shape, size and location, suggesting reproducibility and sensitivity of test. (HVF) test results at visit 2:grayscale printouts and probability plots highlight abnormal areas but do not clearly define the shape and size of lesion.Highlighted areas of decreased visual sensitivity on the (HVF)tests were similar in location of defects plotted by (SC) but do not show size or shape of lesion. Subject #020 63 yo male with extensive and severe bilateral wet AMD with poor vision.(SC) outlines large scotomas plotting shape, size and location that cover entire center of 30 deg.field OD and OS. Data suggests subject can fixate with bilateral disease located in the center of fixation using the (SC).(HVF) test unable to produce reliable data with multiple fixation losses recorded (19/23)OD and (15/20) OS.

Conclusions: : The(SC)may be the only method capable of accurately outlining the actual shape, size and location of a central scotoma even with bilateral disease.With new drugs introduced to treat neovascular AMD such as anti–VEGF therapy, this may be a new accurate method of following retinal disease and treatment.Future controlled studies are needed to evaluate repeatability and sensitivity of data.

Keywords: visual fields • age-related macular degeneration 

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