The importance of microsaccades in visual perception has received much attention in recent years.
2 Several functions have been proposed for microsaccades: counteracting perceptual fading,
15–18 improving performance in acuity visual tasks,
19 and varying along a continuum as a function of size of the scene to be scanned.
20 Microsaccades recorded during visual fixation before a motor response to a peripheral stimulus provide an important tool for the analysis of vision, attention, and eye movements.
21 Recently, McCamy et al.
18 found that task-relevant information is associated with more microsaccades and longer fixations, so that the visual system actively uses microsaccades to acquire information.
Few research reports have linked microsaccade production to information acquisition during perceptual tasks in which a dynamic situation requiring a fast and precise response was presented.
22 Our experiment, with the intention of defining the functional significance of microsaccades under a demanding condition like table tennis indicated that the distribution of microsaccade directions can be influenced by attentional cues in a sport-specific situation.
By forcing the participants to constantly fixate on a red dot in the middle of the opponent's chest, we found that the brain produces more microsaccades to acquire information, from video frames in which task-relevant information is richest. Indeed, the highest microsaccade values of duration, rate, and amplitude were reached during the post-bounce epoch. It has been demonstrated that larger and multiple microsaccades were more effective than smaller or single ones to restore vision, due to their ability to bring the neuronal receptive fields to regions not correlated with the target stimulus.
16 The post-bounce period is probably the time in which the subject tries to figure out the coach's motor action. The highest value of microsaccade amplitude during this epoch with respect to the others suggests that microsaccade amplitude is related to the amplitude of attention shifts, as proposed by Hafed and Clark.
23 This was also found during the pre-bounce epoch, probably due to the appearance of the ball in the lower portion of the subjects' visual field. Moreover, during pre-bounce epoch in which the ball appeared, the microsaccade rate was lower than that in the post-bounce epoch (
Fig. 4). After this “low microsaccadic rate,” an epoch of enhancement started approximately 334 ms after the display change (ball appearance) and extended to 468 ms (end of post-bounce epoch). This pattern of rate modulation is qualitatively similar to saccadic inhibition (i.e., the decrease in saccade rate following display changes).
12,24 The distribution of microsaccade rate during the perception of a dynamic action may be related to the “double-phase effect” in the absolute frequency of microsaccades. In our task, a microsaccade inhibition occurs at the two salient visual stimuli: the appearance of the ball in the visual field (pre-bounce epoch) and when the ball bounces on the table. This second inhibition is followed by a robust rate enhancement during the post-bounce epoch, ending in a return to the initial value (response epoch). The enhancement can be related to the attentional load. Actually, it has been described that task difficulty can influence microsaccade production. Pastukhov and Braun
25 found that, during visual search task, microsaccade rate depends on both the nature of the visual stimulation and the condition under which it occurs. Thus, increased microsaccade production may be due to increased attentional load (post-bounce epoch, in which prediction of the coach's motor action could be built up) and decreased microsaccade production means decreased attentional load (response epoch).
Studies of perception and action in sports have shown that players fixate longer on task-relevant areas as they choose to “anchor” the fovea close to these key locations, so that they use the parafovea and the retinal periphery to pick up relevant information.
26,27 The effective use of such “visual pivots,” in which the gaze is centrally located between different interest areas (i.e., hands, racket, ball), enables optimal use of both the foveal and the parafoveal vision.
28 For this reason, when our experimental subjects maintained their fixation on the middle of the coach's chest, their “gaze pivot” fostered the shift of covert attention in order to predict the development of the action.
Prediction is a fundamental aspect of visual perception. Land and McLeod
29 found that experienced cricket batsmen made a saccade to the anticipated bounce point of the ball, arriving 100 to 200 ms before the ball bounced. Given that saccades and microsaccades share not only dynamic properties but also a common oculomotor origin,
2,30–32 it could be possible that players do the same microsaccade movements toward the future bounce point of the ball or toward the moving stimulus (ball, hand–racket) around the fixation point. Indeed, microsaccade orientation analysis showed a shift of visual attention from the no-ball to pre-bounce epoch (
Fig. 8A), with microsaccades directed toward the appearance of the ball and/or toward the anticipated bounce point of it. We can consider “the ball” as a stimulus that appears abruptly, being processed by an automatic and rapid shift of ‘‘exogenous'' attention.
33 If an abrupt onset activates saccade cells in the superior colliculus, their activation might influence the activity of fixation cells through their mutual inhibition. Thus, even if a saccade is not generated, evidence of the abrupt onset may be visible in the pattern of eye micromovements made during fixation.
The present results also show a clear relationship between some microsaccade parameters and the success of prediction. This is documented by the fact that microsaccade rate and duration change from correct to incorrect responses (
Figs. 4–
6). Correct responses were characterized by lower microsaccade rate in the post-bounce epoch and shorter duration in the response period. Hence, the present findings indicate that the success of the prediction, especially in expert players, is associated with diminished values of microsaccade parameters. Some degree of interference between oculomotor activity and execution of a manual response has already been described. For instance, Pashler et al.
35 showed that saccadic latency is affected by a concomitant manual response choice. Moreover, Betta and Turatto
36 showed that microsaccadic activity depends on whether or not participants are preparing to manually respond to an upcoming visual stimulus. They suggest the existence of a link between the unconscious oculomotor activity, which is evident during fixation, and the cognitive processes involved in preparing to respond to an upcoming visual target. Our results demonstrate that the manual response interferes with the oculomotor fixational activity, and the success of the prediction enhances such interaction.
Although the main sequence for the whole data set of our experiment is in line with the relationship between peak velocity and amplitude, the apparent discrepancy appears between amplitude and peak velocity in the pre-bounce and post-bounce epochs, where amplitudes and durations were highest, whereas peak velocities were lowest. A possible explanation for this result may be the high attentional load during these epochs, according to Di Stasi et al.,
37 who reported a decreased saccade peak velocity with the increased mental workload. Actually, in our task the pre-bounce and, even more, the post-bounce are the most attention demanding periods, and this could explain the amplitude/velocity dissociation. Durations that are longer than usual might be the effect of increased amplitudes.
One final note concerns the comparison between microsaccade patterns of expert players and those of novices. Taking into account both correct and incorrect responses, experts made longer and wider microsaccades than those of novices. Given that microsaccade amplitude is related to the amplitude of attention shifts and that athletes are better able to use peripheral vision than novices,
27,38 the greater amplitude value found in the expert group could be explained by the fact that they are talented in making longer fixations and “anchor” the fovea close to relevant interest areas in order to use the parafovea and the retinal periphery to pick up relevant information. Microsaccades are relevant to human perception across the entire retina and can restore both foveal and peripheral vision in an analogous fashion.
Adaptive behavior in many situations, such as driving a car or playing sports, requires the ability to continuously monitor multiple independently moving objects at different locations in the visual field. In this study, we tried to assess if and how microsaccades could be related to action perception in expert players. Experts, compared to novices, show better action anticipation in a variety of sports, such as soccer
39 and volleyball, and present results show the clear effect of expertise in table tennis athletes as well. It is well known that visual perception improves as a function of experience. Perceptual learning takes place during motion perception, when participants are exposed to motion stimuli without eye movements.
40 Athletes who play ball games are repeatedly exposed to motion stimuli during their training. Such exposure likely improves their perception of moving objects. Our experiment indicated that the distribution of microsaccade direction can be influenced by attentional cues in a task-specific situation. Microsaccade studies reveal links between visuomotor performance and covert attention shifts. The potential impact of these findings upon specific situations like sports could be that detailed assessment of visual performance may help to acknowledge potential elite skills and that vision training offers a means to further improve performance.