Abstract: :
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of the density of nuclear cataract on the axial length using partial coherence interferometry (IOL MasterTM, Zeiss, Germany). Methods: Twenty eyes of 20 patients, who were performed phacoemulsification and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation for nuclear cataract, participated in this study. All patients were implanted with acrylic IOL (AcrysofR MA30AC, Alcon, USA), The patient’s age was 67.4± 12.8 years (mean±standard deviation). The density of nuclear cataract was measured by Scheimpflug videophotography (EAS–1000, NIDEK, Japan). The axial lengths were measured by IOL MasterTM preoperatively (AXLpre) and postoperatively (AXLpost). Results: The density of nuclear cataract was 4033±1803. The axial lengths were 24.08±1.62 mm preoperatively and 23.92±1.60 mm postoperatively (Wilcoxon test, p<.0001). In addition, the difference in the axial length (AXLpre–AXLpost) was positively correlated with the density of nuclear cataract (Pearson’s correlation coefficient; r=0.48, p=0.034). Conclusions: The density of cataract influenced on the axial length measurements with IOL MasterTM. We should carefully evaluate the value of the axial length measurements with IOL MasterTM considering the density of cataract, which conclusively leads to the decrease in the refractive errors after cataract surgery.
Keywords: clinical research methodology • cataract • refraction