Abstract: :
Purpose: To determine if the Crystalens accommodating IOL improves near vision through accommodation six months post implantation. METHODS: A Masked randomized examination of patients from ten different physicians was performed by a single observer. Accommodation was measured using three different methods: Defocus, Near point of accommodation, and Dynamic Retinoscopy. Data was collected in an excel format and analyzed for statistical significance. Results: 56 patients from 10 different surgeons (132 eyes) were examined at an average of six months post implantation. Uncorrected vision ranged from 20/40 to 20/15 at distance and J3–J1 at near. Near vision through distance correction ranged from J5–J1 with and average of J2. Average binocular accommodation measured 1.9D by the Defocus method, 5.8D by the Near point of accommodation method and 2.4D by monocular dynamic retinoscopy. Conclusions: Six months after implantation of the Crystalens Accommodating Intraocular Lens, by ten different surgeons at different institutions, our analysis clearly demonstrates accommodation when measured by three different methods.
Keywords: cataract • refractive surgery: other technologies