Abstract: :
Purpose: To report the two–year results of sutureless conjunctival transplantation using Tisseel VH fibrin sealant at the time of pterygium excision. Methods: Thirty–nine eyes with primary pterygium underwent lamellar keratectomy for excision of the lesion. A free conjunctival autograft was then placed and secured using Tisseel VH fibrin sealant, without sutures. Results: All conjunctival transplants remained secure and in place throughout the follow–up period (1–23 months). Conclusions: Tisseel VH fibrin sealant is as effective as sutures for securing conjunctival transplants after pterygium excision. It has several advantages over traditional suturing techniques including decreased operative time, less post–operative patient discomfort, less inflammation, and more rapid healing.
Keywords: Pterygium • conjunctiva