Abstract: :
Purpose: Recent studies indicate that the density of macular pigment (MP) may play a central role in the development and progression of age–related maculopathy (ARM). We present follow up measurements of macular pigment density (MPD) within one year in healthy subjects with a modified confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (HRA, Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). The study was followed by an analysis of variance concerning other possibly influential factors. Methods: 30 healthy subjects aged from 19 to 34 (mean: 23 + 3 years) were followed in the course of one year and underwent MP density measurements every two months. Macular pigment density maps were calculated from autofluorescence images recorded with a modified HRA at 488 nm and 514 nm. MPD was quantified from the MPD maps within 1 degrees around the center of the fovea. We examined the repeatability by calculating the reproducibility coefficient (RC). Results: We included 30 healthy subjects into this study. The mean MP density was 0,313 + 0,75 D.U.. The reproducibility coefficients (RC) was 0,06. The study revealed no statistically significant differences of MP density in the subjects concerning calendary time, iris color, smoking habits, diet or gender. Conclusions: Our study showed a good repeatability in the follow of one year. MP density in young and healthy subjects seems to be evenly distributed between both sexes and in all iris color groups. MP density does not seem to alter due to season, diet or smoking habits.
Keywords: macular pigment • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: treatment/prevention assessment/controlled