Abstract: :
Purpose: Intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation is almost always seen immediately following intravitreal Kenalog (IVK) injection. Although anterior chamber (AC) paracentesis is effective at lowering the IOP, it has numerous associated risks. Digital ocular massage (DOM) may be an equally effective, non–invasive method of lowering IOP to a normal range. Methods: Retrospective chart review of 12 consecutive patients who underwent AC paracentesis were compared to 12 consecutive patients who received DOM for IOP control immediately following IVK injection. IOP measurements were obtained at pre–injection, immediately post injection, and either immediately post AC paracentesis or after 10 minutes of DOM. Results: In the AC paracentesis group, the average pre–injection iop was 13.8 mmHg, the average IOP immediately following IVK injection was 43.4 mmHg and the average IOP following the AC paracentesis was 7 mmHg. In the DOM group, the average pre–injection IOP was 14.4 mmHg, the immediate post injection IOP was 54.6 mmHg and IOP following 10 min of DOM was 15 mmHg. Conclusions: DOM is equally effective as AC paracentesis in achieving normal IOP immediately following IVK injection.
Keywords: retina • intraocular pressure • injection