Abstract: :
Purpose: to evaluate French driving standard in a glaucoma population with visual field defects. Methods: 100 consecutive glaucoma patients with visual field loss were included in the study: 49 males and 51 females aged 60.5 years (21–83). All patients underwent a complete ophthalmic examination, which included refraction and measurement of visual acuity using Snellen chart. Conventional Visual field data were recorded using Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA) (program 30–2, SITA standard. All revealed visual field loss (mean defect >–7.64dB, range –6.86 to –25.6dB). According to French driving standard, all participants underwent a binocular kinetic goldmann IVe target field test. Results:Of the 100 patients 80 were current drivers and 20 had not driving licence. Of the 80 drivers, 7 stopped spontaneously due to low visual acuities and severe visual field loss, none met the driving standard. Of the remaining 73 patients, 7 were found to have severe visual field loss, which prevented them from meeting the driving standard and for 5 of them, failed to reach the driving requirements for visual acuity.<BR Conclusions: In our glaucoma population, 7 patients, currently driving, (9.6%) did not meet the French driving standard and 7 stopped spontaneously. Glaucomatous patients with unaltered visual acuity but presenting severe field defects on conventional monocular automated perimetry should undergo a binocular Goldman standard visual field test for driving.
Keywords: clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: outcomes/complications • visual fields • quality of life