Abstract: :
Purpose:To compare the intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering efficacy of topical bimatoprost 0.03% with latanoprost 0.005%. Methods: Glaucoma patients treated at the Dallas VAMC with latanoprost 0.005% (Xalatan®) were initially included in this retrospective chart review. Intraocular pressures of eligible subjects were recorded before and after a VA Pharmacy Service auto–substitution from latanoprost to bimatoprost 0.03% (Lumigan®). The patients’ age, gender, race, type of glaucoma, and side effects of treatment were also recorded. Patients with confounding treatment variables were not included for data analysis. Results: 1060 patients had undergone an auto–substitution from latanoprost to bimatoprost. Of these, 139 (13.1%) subjects had no identifiable confounding variables and were included in the study. The mean IOP was 0.62 mm Hg lower on bimatoprost than on latanoprost (P = 0.183; ANOVA). Bimatoprost was significantly more effective than latanoprost using pairwise comparison (P <.03; paired t–tests). Three (2.2%) patients complained of conjunctival hyperemia after the change from latanoprost to bimatoprost. Conclusions:This study suggests that bimatoprost may be slightly more effective in lowering IOP than latanoprost in a veterans population.
Keywords: drug toxicity/drug effects • pharmacology