In a prospective cohort study the value of Color Doppler Imaging(CDI) of the Ophthalmic Artery (OA) and Short Posterior CiliaryArtery (SPCA) were assessed in patients with primary open–angleglaucoma (POAG) and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PFG).
59 consecutive subjects with newly diagnosis of POAG and PFGwere included in this study. We measured the Resistance Index(RI) of the OA and SPCA using CDI, visual field (VF) and intraocularpressure (IOP). Two tailed unpaired Student’s t–testswere used to compare the study variables. Correlations betweengroups were studied by Pearson’s correlation coefficienttest. The study was conducted according to the tenets of theDeclaration of Helsinki.
The results are presented as means (SD). The results are summarizedin table 1. The correlation between VF parameters (MD, CPSD)and the different study variables were summarized in the table2.
The RI of the OA and SPCA, in the POAG patients, were statisticallysignificantly higher than in the PFG patients. In the POAG patientsthe visual field defects are better correlated with the hemodynamicparameters while in the PFG patients the visual field defectsare better correlated with the age and IOP.
Keywords: blood supply • optic flow