Abstract: :
Purpose:, To present the results of surgical removal of presumed type II non–AMD (age–related macular degeneration) related choroidal neovascular membranes. To evaluate any association between visual outcome and baseline clinical factors. Methods:, Retrospective consecutive case series. All patients who had surgery for choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) between November 1997 and December 2003 under the care of a single surgeon (BA) were included in the study. Baseline data pertaining to duration of symptoms, pre–operative visual acuity and lesion size, components and aetiology was collected. The primary outcome was visual acuity with secondary outcomes retinal detachment, operative peripheral retinal break formation and CNV recurrence. Results: A total of 58 eyes were included in the study. The aetiology of CNV was: punctate inner choridopathy (PIC) 21 (36%), idiopathic 9 (16%), pathalogic myopia 6 (10%), presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (POHS) 2 (3%) and other 20 (34%). Mean age of patient was 41 years (range 14–72). Mean duration of follow up was 23 months (range 3 months–5 years) and final visual acuity was available for 56 eyes (97%). An improvement in visual acuity >1 Snellen line of acuity (0.18 logMAR units) was noted in 31 patients (55%) while 11 (20%) remained the same (within 1 line) and 14 (25%) lost >1 Snellen line of acuity. Peripheral retinal breaks were noted in 8 eyes (14%) at the time of surgery, and 3 eyes (5.2%) developed post–operative retinal detachments. Recurrent CNV developed in 15 eyes (26%). The mean time to recurrence in these eyes was 21 weeks (range 12 days–80 weeks). There was a non–significant trend toward better outcomes with earlier surgery. No association was observed between baseline vision nor lesion characteristics and visual acuity change. Conclusions: Surgical excision of non–AMD related CNVM resulted in improvement of visual acuity in the majority of eyes. No significant associations were noted between baseline clinical features and visual acuity outcome, although delay in surgery may be a factor in poor outcomes.
Keywords: vitreoretinal surgery • macula/fovea • chorioretinitis