To evaluate the efficacy of ROP treatment during 9 years (1995–2003).
Modified cryo and laser–cryo therapy was used for treatment of ROP. During 1995–1997 years only cryotherapy was used. Since 1998 years laser +cryo therapy has been employed. All screening, treatment and postoperative follow up procedures have been performed by the same two specialists (authors of presentation). Anatomical outcome was evaluated at least 6 months after treatment.
Out of 2159 infants screened for ROP in Vilnius University Children's hospital 320 reached treshold and undervent treatment.
Zone 2 threshold ROP was diagnosed in 445 eyes. Zone 1 threshold ROP was detected in 182 eyes. Success and failure rate in each year is presented in table 1.
1. Since 1996 year 100% success is achieved in Zone 2 ROP treatment.
2. Gradually growing success rate is approaching to exellence in Zone 1 ROP treatment.
3. ROP is becoming entirely curable disease.
Keywords: retinopathy of prematurity • laser