Abstract: :
Purpose: To evaluate chromosome abnormalities of cultivated human corneal endothelial cells (HCEC) and cultivated human corneal keratocytes (HCK). Methods: Corneal endothelial cells with Descemet’s membrane or stroma removed from sclerocorneal pieces of human donor cornea were cultured on dishes coated with extracellular matrix of bovine corneal endothelial cells. Cell culture was performed to 5th passage. Chromosomal abnormalities of 20 specimens of HCEC (range 2–77 years old, average 43.2±25.0 years old) and 3 specimens of HCK (range 21–73 years old, average 54.7±29.2 years old) were examined with G–band karyotyping. Fifteen samples of HCEC were from passage 3 and 5 samples were from passage 5. Five samples of HCEC were continuously passaged without freezing and 15 samples were freezed during passaging. All samples of HCK were from passage 3 and they were passaged without freezing. Results: Mode number (mn) of chromosomes of HCEC distributed frm45 to 48. Four samples have mn of 45, 12 have mn of 46, 3 have mn of 47, and 1 has mn of 48. Main karyotypes of HCEC samples with mn45, 46, 47, and 48 were 45, X –X or –Y, 46, XX or Y, 47, XX,+8, 47,XX,+21, and 48, XX,+X,+20. Mode number of chromosomes of HCK was 45 for 1 specimen and 46 for 2 specimens. Main karyotypes of HCK samples with mn45 and 46 were 45, X –Y and 46 XX. Conclusions: Chromosomal abnormalities exist in cultivated HCEC and HCK. It should be elucidated whether these chromosomal abnormalities affect cellular function.
Keywords: cornea: endothelium • cornea: stroma and keratocytes • cornea: basic science