Abstract: :
Purpose: To present 23 cases of Recurrent ocular Toxoplasmosis analized through Fluorescein Angiography and Indocyanine Green Angiography. Methods: We analized 23 eyes from 23 patients, 13 males and 10 females between 17 to 44 years old, with recurrent ocular Toxoplasmosis. All patients were submitted to Fluorescein Angiography and Indocyanine Green Angiography Results: Our findings in the Fluorescein Angiography were hypofluorescence in the center of the active recurrent lesion in the initial phases and hyperfluorescence in the margin in the later phases in all cases. In Indocyanine Green Angiography we noticed: a) hypofluorescence in the active recurrent lesions were initially perceived in all the cases. b) Multiple hypofluorescent spots surroundings the active lesion (69,56%). C) Multiple hypoflorescent spots far away from the active lesion in normal areas in the fundoscopy and Fluorescein Angiography (26,08). D) Hyperfluorescent spots in the region of active lesion (8,69%). Conclusions: Multiple hypofluorescent spots far away from the active recurrent lesions, an undescribed finding in the Indocyanine Green Angiography, give evidence of more widespread disease or perhaps there are remove vascular or inflamatory effects from the infection organisms. Are these lesions silent foci of the infection ? or these lesions are simple more remote collections of inflamatory cells responding the focal infection site, nevertheless, this fact shows that the disease involves more than we expected.
Keywords: toxoplasmosis • imaging/image analysis: clinical • inflammation