Abstract: :
Purpose: To describe predisposing factors for Candida chorioretinitis in inpatients with systemic Candida infections, and to propose consultation guidelines for these patients. Methods: Review of 3,200 consecutive ophthalmology consultations performed at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Cooper Hospital between 1998 – 2002 identified 125 consultations for candidemia. Clinical features and microbiologic profiles of candidemic patients were studied, and predisposing factors for Candida retinitis were identified. Results: Twelve (9.6%) of 125 candidemic patients were diagnosed with Candida chorioretinitis. Predisposing factors include the absence of systemic anti–fungal therapy for greater than 36 hours prior to examination, indwelling lines, and severe systemic illness. Conclusions: Ophthalmologic consultation for candidemia is common in any large hospital setting. The proposed guidelines may standardize consultations to optimize the identification of patients at highest risk for Candida chorioretinitis.
Keywords: endophthalmitis • retina