Abstract: :
Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of wavefront–guided LASIK re–treatment, utilizing the Allegretto–Wave system. Methods: 26 consecutive eyes that had LASIK and were symptomatic, underwent wavefront–guided treatment, based on 4 reproducible aberration measurements. We evaluated pre–, and post–operative refraction, total and high order aberrations (RMSH), cornea and flap thickness, low contrast sensitivity (LCS) and possible complications. Follow–up was 3–7 months (4.5) Results: 21 eyes were included. The mean values were: refractive error: sphere: –0,92D (plano to –1.50) postop –0.25 and cylinder: –0.85D (0 to –1,75) postop –0.25. UCVA improved from 20/25 to 20/18. There was no loss of BCVA in any case. The RMSH decreased from 0.62 to 0.25. LCS improved by 55%. Conclusions: WaveFront–guided LASIK re–treatment with the ALLEGRETTO–WAVE system, appears to be safe and very effective for correction of residual refractive error and the improvement of visual function. It has demonstrated in this limited study the ability to predictably reduce higher order aberrations.
Keywords: refractive surgery • refractive surgery: LASIK • refractive surgery: complications