Abstract: :
Purpose: To assess claims that latanoprost is useful in the treatment of essential blepharospasm Methods: In a prospective double–blind study, patients with essential blepharospasm, previously treated with botulinum toxin injections, were randomised to receive either once–daily latanoptost or placebo. Patients were asked to grade the severity of their symptoms using a standard grading scale before and during treatment (at 0, 6 and 12 weeks. Results: 40 patients were approached and of these, 8 patients were happy to enroll. Following randomisation, 4 received latanoprost and 4 received placebo. 4 patients expressed no change in their symptoms (2 latanoprost and 2 placebo). 5 patients withdrew from the study at the 6–week assessment. At 12 weeks, 3 patients remaoned, all of whom were from the latanoprost group (2 of these expressed no difference; 1 expressed deterioration). Statistical analysis confirmed no significant difference in the outcome between the 2 groups. Conclusions: This study has failed to support the suggestion that latanoprost is any more effective than placebo in the management of essential blepharospasm
Keywords: clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: treatment/prevention assessment/controlled clinical trials • eyelid • visual impairment: neuro–ophthalmological disease