Abstract: :
Purpose:To determine the refraction in patients with congenital cataract after performing lens phacoemulsification with introduction of an intraocular lens. Methods:One hundred and twenty three (123) files of patients with diagnosis of congenital cataract from march 2001 to april 2003 were reviewed. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure and refraction were determined on 1st day, 7th day, 1 month, 6 months and 12 months postop. Patients of any age and sex with diagnosis of uni or bilateral congenital cataract were included. Patients without a complete follow–up for at least one year were excluded. In all patients a lens phacoemulsification with introduction of intraocular lens was performed. The time of the surgery was determined by the age of the patient at the moment of diagnosis and the type of congenital cataract, whether it was uni o bilateral. Results: The age range was 6 months to 16 years. The mean preoperative visual acuity in children > 4 years varied from hand motion to 20/100, postoperatively it was from 20/100 to 20/40. In children < 4 years, the mean preoperative visual acuity was hand motion to following objects and postoperatively was 20/200 to 20/100. The postoperative refraction varied between + 0.50 and + 3.75 in the sphere and – 1.75 to –3.50 of cylinder. Conclusions:Based on our results, we conclude that patients older than 4 years of age obtained a good postoperative visual acuity, this might be because this age group cooperates better with the intraocular lens power calculation.
Keywords: cataract • refraction • treatment outcomes of cataract surgery