D.L. Budenz
Ophthalmology/Univ of Miami, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL
J.A. Beiser
Ophthalmology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
J.R. Piltz
Ophthalmology/Univ of Pennsylvania, Scheie Eye Institute, Philadelphia, PA
R.K. Parrish
Ophthalmology/Univ of Miami, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL
D.R. Anderson
Ophthalmology/Univ of Miami, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL
M.O. Gordon
Ophthalmology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
M.A. Kass
Ophthalmology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study Group
Ophthalmology/Univ of Miami, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL