Abstract: :
Purpose: To evaluate the impact of development or progression of classic CNV in eyes with occult with no classic and minimally classic CNV at baseline in patients with AMD enrolled in the VIP Trial and the TAP Investigation. Methods: Exploratory analysis of the progression of classic CNV in placebo recipients with occult with no classic lesion composition at baseline in the VIP Trial and minimally classic lesions (<50% but more than 0% of the total lesion area was classic CNV) in the TAP Investigation. Results: Classic CNV developed during the first or second year in 55 (60%) of 92 eyes with occult with no classic lesions at baseline. These eyes had worse visual acuity outcomes, on average, at month 24 (35 letters; approximate Snellen equivalent 20/200) compared with occult lesions that did not develop classic CNV (46 letters; approximate Snellen equivalent 20/126+1). In eyes with minimally classic CNV at baseline, predominantly classic lesions (≥50% of the total lesion area was classic CNV) developed in 41 (39%) of 104 eyes by 2 years. These eyes had a worse outcome at month 24 (30 letters; 20/250) than those that did not develop predominantly classic lesions (41 letters; 20/160+1). Conclusions: The development of classic CNV in eyes with occult with no classic lesions or the progression to predominantly classic CNV in minimally classic lesions led to poorer visual acuity outcomes compared with eyes with lesions that did not develop, or have progression of, classic CNV during follow–up.
Keywords: age–related macular degeneration • choroid: neovascularization • photodynamic therapy