Abstract: :
Purpose: To describe the most frequent clinical manifestations in Mexican patients with Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) Methods: Retrospective study wich included all patients with diagnosis of WG seen the last two years in two institutions. Results: We reviewed the charts of 39 patients. Mean age was 43 years, 26 males and 13 women. Initial symptoms were extraocular in 15 patients, ocular in 9 and mixed in 15. Initial ocular findings were eye redness 63%, scleromalacia 48%, necrotizing scleritis 41%, peripheric ulcerative keratitis 41% and difuse scleritis 33%. Conclusions:WG is a autoimmune systemic disease with frequent severe anterior segment alterations as initial symptoms of the disease.
Keywords: clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: natural history • sclera • autoimmune disease