Abstract: :
Purpose: To characterize the morphology of three variants of Feline Post–traumatic sarcoma and to present evidence that, at least some, of the spindle cell variant tumors are of lens epithelial origin. Methods: This is a retrospective morphologic review of an archived collection, which includes 142 feline post–traumatic sarcoma submissions in a total of 2868 feline submissions. A case series of nine spindle cell tumors was stained for vimentin, collagen IV, and crystallin alpha A. Results: 95 tumors were spindle, 20 were osteosarcoma, and 27 were round cell variant tumors. The average age is 11.55 years and the average latency period between enucleation with tumor and the traumatic event is 4.3 years with a range fromn 2 months to over 10 years. Lens capsule rupture was a feature in every case except three round cell tumors where the lens had been removed near the time of trauma. Spindle cell tumors are characterized by thick PAS +, collagen IV+ membranes around individual cells and vimentin staining. 3 of 9 stained + for crystallin alpha A. The round cell variant tumors are composed of solid sheets of pleomorphic round cells lining the globe with a distinct pattern of surviving tumor cells around blood vessels and abundant necrosis away from vessels. Osteosarcomas are diagnosed because of the characteristic matrix production although some tumors also have PAS + membranes. Conclusions: At least 3 morphologic variants of post–traumatic sarcoma exist. The finding of thick basement membrane material around tumor cells and crystalline alpha A protein in neoplastic cells is and indication that, at least some of the spindle cell tumors are of lens epithelial derivation.
Keywords: tumors • trauma • posterior capsular opacification (PCO)