Abstract: :
Purpose: To evaluate a telemedicine screening network for diagnosis and staging of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). Methods: Infants in a single hospital (two hospitals are currently in the network) Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) were examined using the RetCam–120 Camera (Massie Research Laboratories Inc., Dublin, CA). All images were acquired by a Clinical Nurse Specialist using standard RetCam techniques, supplemented with scleral depression as needed. 406 exams on 113 babies were performed from 7/30/01 to 11/6/03. All pre/threshold exams were compared to clinical exams performed by an ophthalmologist using binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy. All digital photos were evaluated by an ophthalmologist. Results: Sensitivity was found to be 99% with a specificity of 100%. 10 infants were treated with laser photocoagulation, without significant complications. One baby was found to have localized, temporal Stage 3 in Zone III that was not detected until followed up outside the hospital. No treatment was needed. Conclusions: In a clinical, practical setting, screening examinations for ROP using telemedicine techniques can be effectively and safely performed. With proper training of the involved staff, excellent sensitivity and specificity can be obtained.
Keywords: retinopathy of prematurity • imaging/image analysis: clinical