Abstract: :
Purpose: To study the anatomical outcomes of dense, near confluent, indirect laser traetment for near threshold retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods: This is a retrospective chart review of 56 eyes from 28 patients in which dense near confluent, indirect laser treatment was performed for near threshold and early threshold ROP at the University of Chicago Hospitals from July 2002 through June 2003. Results: Fifty six eyes of 28 patients were treeated with dense, near confluent, indirect laser treatment for near threshold ROP. With a mean follow–up of six months: 53 eyes (94.6%) showed no progression of ROP, no need for re–treatment, and no evidence of anatomical complications. One eye (1.8%) progressed to form a ridge, and 2 eyes (3.5%) developed stage 4A disease requiring further treatment. Conclusions: We conclude that treatment with a dense, near confluent, laser pattern for early thresholsd ROP is succesful and beneficial. In our study 94.6% of eyes showed no evidence of further progression of disease, no need for re–treatment, and no anatomical complications.
Keywords: retinopathy of prematurity • laser