Abstract: :
Purpose: An RT–PCR based screen of mouse eye RNA detected mRNAs related to the chemokine, CTACK (CCL27), thought to be skin–specific. This study seeks to characterize these RNAs. Methods: Primers were synthesized corresponding to the 5' and 3' end of the reported CTACK mRNA sequence and RT–PCR was used to examine CTACK–related sequences in mouse eye RNA. 5'–RACE was used to examine sequences 5' of exon 2. Results: RT–PCR amplified three variants of CTACK: fully spliced (exons 1, 2, and 3), partially spliced (retaining intron 1) and unspliced (retaining intron 1 and 2). 5'–RACE predominantly amplified a previously reported CTACK variant, called PESKY, which differs from CTACK at the 5' end. Comparing the reported PESKY mRNA sequence with the mouse genomic DNA sequence revealed that the 5'–end of PESKY joins 2 upstream exons that are separated by a 2kb intron in the genomic sequence. 5'–RACE also detected a PESKY variant containing this intron. Conclusions: The eye contains multiple splice products related to CTACK, some of which may be eye–specific. The predominant RNA corresponds to PESKY, a non–secreted chemokine that is targeted to the nucleus and enhances cell motility. We also detect a novel, alternatively spliced variant of PESKY.
Keywords: cytokines/chemokines • gene/expression