A. Biró
Research, Philogen, Genoa, Italy
M. Fabbrini
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
L. Giovannoni
Research, Philogen, Genoa, Italy
M. Nicoló
Dep. of Neuroscience, Ophtalmology and Genetic, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
E. Balza
Laboratory of Cell Biology, National Institute for Cancer Research, Genoa, Italy
B. Gaggero
Research, Philogen, Genoa, Italy
A. Berta
Ophthalmology, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
M. Cilli
Animal Facilities, National Institute for Cancer Research, Genoa, Italy
D. Neri
Dep. of Biomacromolecules, Technology School, Zurich, Switzerland
L. Zardi
Laboratory of Cell Biology, National Institute for Cancer Research, Genoa, Italy