Abstract: :
Purpose: We document the occurrence of a spontaneous vitreoretinopathy in young cats which resembles the feline experimental model of ROP. Methods: Six affected cats were identified from a pool of 2,300 feline cases submitted to C.O.P.L.O.W. Morphological characteristics were made from H&E; and Alcian blue PAS stained slides. Results: Six cats, ranging in age from 4 years to 3.5 months were presented after enucleation due to unilateral blindness, glaucoma, and buphthalmia in all cases. All the submitted eyes had complete retinal detachment, fibrovascular membranes extending into the posterior vitreous adjacent to the retina, and an avascular peripheral retina. Glaucoma was due to preiridal fibrovascular membranes and peripheral anterior synechia in all eyes. We do not know the neonatal environment in any of the affected cats. Conclusions: A bilateral vitreoretinopathy with morphologic features identical to these cases can be induced in kittens by exposing them to hyperoxic conditions for 4 days followed by a return to room air. A spontaneous neovascular vitreoretinbopathy with features of ROP occurs in cats but we do not know if these cats were exposed to hyperoxic conditions as neonates.
Keywords: retinopathy of prematurity • animal model • retinal neovascularization