Abstract: :
Purpose:To report the first case of multiple myeloma-associated retinopathy with serologic confirmation of antiretinal antibodies Methods:Chart review Results:A 57 year old caucasion woman presented with bilateral blurry vision which rapidly progressed to bare light perception on the left and 20/70 on the right. The exam was significant for mild bilateral optic nerve pallor, anterior vitreous cells, and severe constriction of the right visual field. Testing was significant for a flat ERG. A presumptive diagnosis of cancer-associated retinopathy was made although no history of cancer was present. An extensive oncologic work-up was negative. Laboratory evaluation for cancer-related antiretinal antibodies was negative, but Western blot reactions and indirect immunohistochemistry were positive for antibodies against multiple retinal proteins. The patient later developed multiple myeloma. Conclusions:Multiple myeloma can indirectly cause retinal damage and severe visual loss by inducing formation of antiretinal antibodies.
Keywords: neuro-ophthalmology: diagnosis • retina: distal(photoreceptors, horizontal cell