Abstract: :
Purpose: Emerging evidence suggests lutein has therapeutic effects on macula pigment optical density (MPOD) and vision in atrophic AMD. Little is known about lutein intervention effect(s) vs. AMD stage. We evaluated AREDS retinal disease stage vs. MPOD/visual function in a subset of patients in the Veterans LAST Study (ARVO 2001, # 2542). Methods: 35 mm retinal color slides of (n=60) primarily male veterans with atrophic AMD (ICD9 362.51) were ranked as to AREDS stage by a retinal specialist masked as to treatment group (10 mg non-esterified lutein vs. maltodextrin placebo). Using methodology defined in the LAST Study, MPOD, glare recovery (GR) and contrast sensitivity (CSF) were evaluated over 1 year by AREDS subgroup (stage II, II & IV), and subjected to Friedman’s non-parametric statistics. Results: Lutein supplementation enhanced MPOD in AREDS geographic stage IV (P=0.05), stage III (P<0.09) and stage II (P=0.05). Lutein quickened glare recovery independent of AREDS retinal stage (mean(sec) +/-SD at baseline and after 12 months of lutein: stage IV, n=7, 102 +/-72 vs 80 +/- 63, (P=0.05), stage III, n=11, 82 +/-58 vs. 38 +/- 28 (NS), stage II, n=10, 111 +/- 76 vs 52 +/- 44 (P=0.02). Lutein supplementation had no significant effect on CSF for AREDS stage II or III, however significantly improved CSF at 3 of 4 spatial frequencies in geographic stage IV advanced disease (stage IV @ 6cc/deg (P=0.02); 12cc/deg (P=0.03); 18cc/deg (P=0.006). Conclusions: This small population, brief time frame study demonstrates 1) Lutein supplementation increases MPOD at each AREDS stage compared with placebo; 2) Lutein may be beneficial at all stages of atrophic AMD; 3) GR appears the best indicator of enhanced macula pigment. Support: Kemin Foods Inc, (Des Moines, IA), Nutraceutical Sciences Institute, (Boynton Beach, FL).
Keywords: age-related macular degeneration • macular pigment