Abstract: :
Purpose: Many studies have documented a lack of association between clinically measured signs and patient-reported symptoms of dry eye. The Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI ®, Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) was developed to measure dry eye symptoms and their impact on vision-related function (fxn). We examined the associations among scores on the OSDI ® subscales (ocular discomfort (OSDI-Dis), vision-related fxn (OSDI-Fxn), and environmental triggers (OSDI-ET)), overall OSDI (OSDI-overall), the 25-item National Eye Institute Vision Functioning Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ) subscales, and ocular parameters in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome, a systemic disorder characterized by dry eye and dry mouth. Methods: We assessed 42 consecutive patients with biopsy and clinically confirmed Sjögren’s syndrome (aged 31-81 y (mean, 55 y); 95% female) by using the following tests: OSDI ®, NEI-VFQ, Schirmer 1 (mean, 4.8 mm), total Oxford, conjunctival Lissamine green staining, van Bijsterveld (VB), and tear film breakup time (TFB). Spearman correlation coefficients (r) were used to describe linear relationships between pairs of variables; linear regression was used to adjust for age. Results: OSDI-overall scores (100 = worst) ranged from 0 to 77 (mean, 30±20). Overall NEI-VFQ scores (0 = worst) ranged from 41-100 (mean, 84±13). Associations of OSDI ® subscales with ocular parameters were modest (r<0.22) and not statistically significant. Associations of NEI-VFQ subscales with ocular parameters tended to be stronger and had borderline significance for the near vision subscale with TFB (r=0.32, p=.05) and for the distance vision subscale with VB (r=0.33, p=.04). The strongest associations of OSDI ® with NEI-VFQ were for subscales measuring similar domains: ocular pain and mental fxn with OSDI-Dis; and general vision, ocular pain, mental fxn, role fxn, driving, and overall VFQ with OSDI-Fxn and with OSDI-overall. Conclusions: In this group of Sjögren’s syndrome patients with moderate to severe dry eye, the NEI-VFQ was similar to the OSDI ® in its ability to measure dry eye symptoms and their impact on functioning. Associations of NEI-VFQ & OSDI ® subscales: r-values (*: p<.001 after age adjustment)
Keywords: cornea: tears/tear film/dry eye • clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: tre • quality of life