S. Yzer
Dept Human Genetics, Univ Med Ctr Nymegen, Nymegen, Netherlands
L.I. van den Born
Rotterdam Eye Hospital, Rotterdam, Netherlands
J. Schuil
Institute for the Visually Handicapped 'Bartimeus', Zeist, Netherlands
H.Y. Kroes
Dept of Medical Genetics, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
M.M. van Genderen
Institute for the Visually Handicapped 'Bartimues', Zeist, Netherlands
F.N. Boonstra
Institute for the Visually Handicapped 'Bartimeus", Zeist, Netherlands
B. van den Helm
Institute for the Visually Handicapped 'Bartimeus", Zeist, Netherlands
H.G. Brunner
Institute for the Visually Handicapped 'Bartimeus", Zeist, Netherlands
R.K. Koenekoop
The McGill Ocular Genetics Laboratory, Montral Children's Hospital Research Institute, Montreal, PQ, Canada
F.P. Cremers
The McGill Ocular Genetics Laboratory, Montral Children's Hospital Research Institute, Montreal, PQ, Canada