Abstract: :
Purpose: To evaluate and demonstrate the visual rehabilitation function in the stroke patients with eye movement impairment. Methods: Standard clinical eye movement testing including pursuit, saccede and full field optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) were performed on 88 stroke patients with eye movement impairment by electrioculargram (EOG). 51 of 88 patients were treated with OKN visual rehabilitaion program. The difference of eye movement gain in pursuit, saccede and OKN were compared between the patients treated with visual rehabilitation program and the patients without visual rehabilitation treatment. Results: The eye movement gains in pursuit, saccede and OKN were increased in 46 of 51 patients treated with visual rehabilitation program. The eye movement gains in 4 of 51 patients were not changed. The eye movement gains in 1 of 51 patients were decreased. Conclusions: The function of visual rehabilitation program using full field OKN had a wide range of results to benifit the stroke patients with eye movement impairment. The majority of stroke patients have increased gains in pursuit, saccede and full field optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). The impairment of eye movement in the patients with stroke could be improved by visual rehabilitaion program.
Keywords: ocular motor control • eye movements • eye movements: saccades and pursuits